Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The breakfast burrito and some lounging in someone’s lawn hit the spot. The stomach settled and it became time to push on. The next section from Silver City to Carson was harder: 19.5 miles with 1800 feet of climb.

The reward for the arrival in Carson was a giant American flag flown over the road. USA! USA! Legs hurt but day one was half over. The locals in Carson were trying to raise $8k to renovate their community theatre. In Cedar Rapids it takes $8k to think about getting permits to build. I helped the cause by devouring a slice of their strawberry rhubarb pie. I hope the theatre turns out nice.

From Carson the rest of the day blended together. The excitement turned into exhaustion. Atlantic had their town sign at least a mile and 2 hills outside town. That mile was tough but the shower at the fairgrounds was heavenly. The night included grilled burgers. If you ever want to test your patience, try grilling (or doing anything) around a half dozen engineers.

I woke around sunrise with aching legs for day 2. It turns out that day 1 took its toll on several of our team. Riding SAG to Carroll was an option; some TFP veterans took it. I considered, but my most awesomest friend Stephanie arrived and was excited for her first day of RAGBRAI.  I couldn’t wuss out on day 2! I wouldn’t live it down.

Day 2 hurt. Pain in my elbows came to supplement the pain in my quads. Fourteen miles in (Elk Horn) I was certain I wouldn’t finish the day. I hurt. Each mile was painful. The hills were relentless. The sun was blazing. At least the next town was only 3 miles. I could do 3 miles. After that the next town was 19.7 miles with 1742 feet of climb. I could give up after making it to Manning I told myself.

Getting to Manning was a challenge. I had to stop about 3 times on the way to rest. At one point a local farmer thought I looked pitiful enough that he offered a ride the rest of the way.  I kept pressing on. Manning came. The local fire department refueled me with a sirloin kabob.

The rest of the day continued in a similar fashion. I knew I couldn’t make it, but kept convincing myself to do one. More. Town.

Much to my surprise Carroll showed up on the horizon. Then it showed up in front of my handle bars. The Carroll American Legion recharged me with some awesome lasagna. A local boy raising money for his college fund hooked me up with a root beer float. Day 2 was done.


  1. Ah, it's so fun to hear what you were thinking throughout RAGBRAI. But I don't remember the blazing sun until a little before Manning. It was a cloud-covered morning... or maybe that was my lack of Day 1 experience...

    And you're right, you wouldn't have lived it down if you wussed out the day that I got there. And I'm taking credit for you riding Day 2, which I think is what made you realize that you could do the whole thing and keep pushing yourself. Therefore, I am taking credit for being one that inspired you to ride the whole thing.

  2. Ha, fair enough ;)

    I still can't believe I biked the whole thing. What an adventure. What should the next adventure be?
